Wednesday 4 May 2011

Comparison of ideas to that of other films from my genre.

From the very first stages of planning our opening i had an idea that our film would have some very similiar aspects to other films. Like the whole picture on the wall aspect was a lot like the haunting film 'One hour photo (2002)' about an employee of a photo lab becoming obsessed with a young suburban family.

The aspect of our horror film was definitely a one man stalking innocent victims which is a lot like some of the teen slasher films out there. The one that i think is most like the idea's in our's is 'Scream (1996)', about a masked killer on the loose stalking the innocent people of Woodsboro. This is a lot like our opening as it uses the idea of the man stalking his victims through having his identitiy concealed.

'Scream clip'

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