Wednesday 4 May 2011

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Our audience profile was for both genders from the age of 15 upwards, what we did to attract audiences to our film was use generic conventions which would already be connected with a horror film. During our research of horror films we observed that blood, harmful weapons and darkness were a few of the aspects that were repeatedly used. For years this tradition has evolved and audiences immediately relate those aspects to horror films so our aim was to also do this to attract the audiences and address what film we were going to be creating.

The first obvious sign within our film that it is of the horror genre is the deep dark music which gradually becomes higher pitched, also the beginning text which is “What you are about to see is inspired by true events” is a very dark shade of red which resembles blood and also connotes death. The news report also informs the audience of the murder’s which gives them disturbing information which they now can be more involved in the film.

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