Wednesday 4 May 2011

Evaluation Question 6

What I have learnt from the technologies in the process of making our film is that they are very significant to our production and at times can be very difficult to work. Originally we were going to film the panning of the wall scene with a dolly and also take a second shot with a hand held camera to see what one would look much more professional and fit in with the atmosphere of the rest of the film. On the day of filming when getting the dolly set up we realised that some of the bolts were missing and when set up would topple over due to this, resulting in the dolly not being stable. We tried to fix this problem by sticking blue tack to one of the legs which was not attacked to the wheeled base but was not successful. So we had to think of a different plan to achieve the shot that we wanted which was hand held motion across the pictures on the wall.

wall sequence.

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