Wednesday 30 March 2011

Editing - first stages

After we had finished all of our filming, I took my storyboard and started to block out how the film would run. I started by editng the start of the news report about Kristen Blakely, I watched all of the clips and found that there was only 2 continous peices of film which were good to be put on the final film. I had a mid shot and a long shot of the TV and the mask next to it. I started by putting a 2 minute black screen which would be where the logo would play and then the news report would continue from there, so I cut the slight pause before the news report started and then played til the end of the 1 minute and 45 seconds of film. After I had done that I then began to decide how I would cut from the long shot to the mid shot half way through the news report as on our storyboard we had the mid shot then the bloody hand switching off the TV then panning along the picture fillled wall. After the editing lesson I had sorted the timing of the black background for the logo and the transitioning from that to thestart of the news report, I had also cut the first minute of that report so I could in the next lesson transition the two shots.

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