Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Analysing the difference between a film opening and a film trailer.

Casino Royale Trailer:

Narrative:  start shows that James bond uses a lot of violence and the black and white shows that this has happened in the past. The coloured sequence shows the present and shows that James bond has an assignment to do and the film will show him completing that. The sequence is very fast paced and this connotes that the film will also be set at a quick pace.

Genre: hybrid: action, romance, thriller, drama.

Atmosphere: violence dark, suspense, excitement, passion, anger chase.

Titles: The titles were not shown til the end, the main title was shown at 2.27. Then after that was the release date, the company that produced it and small print.

Sound: high pitched music at start with voice over and then loud bangs when violence starts. James bond theme tune after the flashback and it gradually gets more louder and has added instruments to the music as the trailer progresses, very fast paced.

Character: Daniel Craig is focused on the most and is seen as the main character, a women is shown as well quite a bit which could maybe signify that she is Daniel Craig's love interest.

Themes: spy, murder, gambling, theft, cheat, love.

Setting: Hot places, casino, train, beach, hotel, building site, airport.

Casino Royale Opening:

Narrative: The gun pointing to the audience connotes that they will be a lot of violence and the blood shows death. The poker cards shown signify that gambling and casinos will appear in the film.

Genre: Drama, Action, Thriller.

Atmosphere: There is a voilent atmosphere which involves a gun being pointed at the camera. There is large usage of death and blood which creates a very suspensful and exciting atmosphere which evokes fear.

Titles: The titles are shown right from the beginning, it involves the producers, main character, title of film, other actors, cast.

Sound: a song from the soundtrack of the film is played mostly throughout the opening.

Character: the main character is seen right from the beginning on the film, the circle spotlight shows that he is the one the film is focused on. Daniel Craig is the lead role in the movie.

Themes: Death, identity, love, violence,

Setting: the start has been converted into animation so the actual setting of the film is not shown.

Differences between the two:

the most obvious difference is that the trailer is shown as real life and the trailer is animation. They both show the elements of the casino and a lot of violence. Another difference is that in the opening of the film the titles are shown immediately but the trailer titles are only shown at the end. The trailer full of jump cuts and is not in a continuous shot whereas the opening is. The opening of the film has to set up a mysterious atmosphere and you must be able to follow the storyline.

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